It's not often that a game can actually make players physically ill....this may be 'Desktop Racing' 's one claim to fame
I thought concept and cover looked cute and entertaining so I picked this game up at a bargain pre-owned price, a decision I surely regret. Each time I have attempted to play the game I am forced to turn the system off after only a couple laps on the poorly rendered tracks. The camera work is so ill-conceived and dizzying that it actually makes me sick to my stomach to play....not that I would be able to play the game for any extended period anyways. The controls are sloppy, and had me fearing for the future of Wii system racing titles. Fortunately I have since discovered multiple racing games that use the wii functionality in an incredibly successful way (making Mini Desktop's programming all the more inexcusable).
It's a very rare occasion that I will label a video game as "bad". Generally I am willing to acknowledge the amount of time and effort various people put into developing a title, and the fact that they had a target audience in mind (no matter how small of a 'niche' market it may be). I am also aware that often certain quirky or innovative facets of a game are able to make-up for less than stellar presentation in others, but I simply cannot imagine anyone who would rank this as a good game. It has no endearing qualities whatsoever. With no shortage of racing or imaginative discount titles available on the Wii console there is really no reason to purchase this game.