From the team who brought us the Super Monkey ball menu controls...
So, what is this game exactly? well, its a micro-machines rip-off about racing tiny cars from a helicopter angle. Its has the basic controls like handbrake, reverse, gas, and so on. However, this simple experience all fall flat when the controls are so awkward that you find the game to a twitchy mess after the first few minutes of gameplay, maybe even sooner. You see, the game doesn't follow other racer games on the Wii by turning the Wiimote to NES side and using the 1 and 2 buttons as gas and brake. No, this game when with keeping the Wiimote vertical, having the gas as B trigger, A button as handbrake, down d-pad as reverse, and tilting the Wiimote side to side as the steering. Sure, that sounds simple, until you remember how hard it was to make the menu system in Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz work well. I mean, it takes forever to get used to these controls and after a while, you start asking yourself if this is even worth the trouble. However, maybe the decision was made to make the game have some nice difficulty to it instead of this being a breeze?...No, its just lazy work from the developers...
Well, this might be hard to believe, but this could be about Nintendo 64 level of graphics. I mean, the game doesn't seem to have any visuals that the Nintendo 64 couldn't handle and it doesn't see to ever push the Wii when all the cars on the screen. So yea, Nintendo 64 level I would say. Maybe Gamecube, but I think thats pushing it. I mean, the menus look like they are from the SNES days so the game can't be far more advanced than that.
The game has an upbeat soundtrack to it, but none of it is really memorable at all. Its actually kind of sad that these low key games don't have those amazing soundtracks anymore since back in the NES days, you used to always remember that song you heard over and over since you died from faulty gameplay all the time. Man, those were the days...huh? oh, voice work? nobody spoke in the game so there wasn't any...and the little car engines sounded fine...nothing amazing and nothing annoying...just dull...
Overall: 4.0/10.0
I was thinking of giving it a lower score, but seriously...the game is a budget title after all so no real effort was put into it. Plus, the game actually poses a challenge in learning a control scheme that might be beneficial for future Wii titles. I mean, you never know when someone might throw in that tilting controller thing for menu selection again. So yea, if you have nothing to do and want to play something with a challenge control scheme and has absolutely no point....go for it....