A pretty fun game with a few negative quirks.

User Rating: 8 | Mini Ninjas PS3
This game is pretty good. Solid gameplay. Decent graphics. Okay voice acting.

This game is definetly for kids. It's pretty easy so you can expect a nice breeze of a game. Well, the "breeze" lasts a little to long for it's own good. The game is to long, By the time you hit the last levels you'll be like "Isin't this over yet?". And you'll probably rush through the end.

Gameplay: For what it is, it works. There is some stealth, action, and platforming elements. But the stealth is no Metal Gear Solid. You can take out an enemy from behind but you'll just be seen by some guy 2 miles away. So it puts more of an emphasis on action. You'll mostly just button mash Square and Triangle until your fingers start to hurt. None of the enemys are tough so there is no real reason to be stealthy in the first place.

The game allows you to play as multiple characters, but only a few are helpful. Them being, the main character, the fat guy who is good against fat samurai, the arrow guys who lets you snipe, and the last chick you get who is good in crowds. All the other characters have no beneficial qualities. This is similar to the Kuji scrolls you collect throughout the game; only a few are helpful.

Despite the 'downs' the game is actually pretty fun.

Voice Acting: Most characters are voiced by the same asian guy. It gets old. The samurai, when they have spotted you they will shout out "Ninja! Ninja!" which is cute and catchy. But eh, it's not that amazing or important.

Graphics: They're pretty for the most part. Nice cel-shaded graphics. The bad parts is that the game intentionally makes the screen hard to see. So you often get a dirty screen and you have to strain your eyes. They do this so it's hard to see the things you wan't collect. Instead of adding challenge, it just induces a headache.

The enviorments also get old fast. They're the same in each level. Your pretty much always in a forest. Also, it doesn't feel like your in China or Japan or something. The houses look like canadian log cabins.

That's all I can think of for now...uh..

Two thumbs up. Decent game.