Mini Ninjas takes on the task of being a game geared towards kids and being enjoyable for those who are IO fans.
In the Agent 47 games the player had the choice of choosing a stealth approach to the level or to go in guns blazing. Mini Ninjas gives the player these options as well. Mini Ninjas also adds more elements of strategy by including six ninjas the player can choose from. Tora, the ninja who thinks he is a tiger is probably the cutest character in a game recently.Little details to how he runs just adds to the character. The other five have these subtle qualities as well meaning much thought was put into this game than might be noticed at first.
Another example of the thought put into the game is the ability to play a level without ever being seen. Metal gear Solid fans might find enjoyment out of choosing that path of gameplay to focus on through the game.
This game is geared for kids (or at least everyone 10 and up) so would the younger ones enjoy it? The only thing I see children having problems with is the act of equipping and un-equipping spells and items, it gets tedious and a little muddled. Other than that it is a very enjoyable experience. Those who liked Kung-Fu Panda might even like this. Like the credits sequence of Kung-Fu Panda Mini Ninjas has a beautiful aesthetic to the cut scenes and levels.
Although the game will only get one playthrough from most gamers, those who want to find all the statues and save all the animals will find enjoyment using the ninjas you unlock later on in the game in earlier levels (the game has a convenient level select once the story is finished). Plus it's neat thinking that the cuteness in this game came from the people who included a detailed S&M club in other games. IO Interactive has taken a huge chance and proved they can handle a fun and cute game.
And sorry if this review is a bit confusing or unfocused as it is my second attempt at one.