What was Dice thinking? This game is boring and stupid.
The first Mirror's edge was a revolutionary game. It was subtle and yet so deep. A first person platformer in a world full of gritty FPS games. You where Faith, a runner that thwarted an authoritarian regime. It was simple. This didn't remove ME from criticism. The gameplay was linear and the combat was de-emphasized. Also it was short. So better late than never EA turned everything about Mirror's Edge on it's head even it's quality.
There is no immersion or fun.
The graphics suck. They may look artistically clean and pretty at first but later you see some boring blurry texture that look old and stuff. Atleast it runs well on a mid end gaming PC.
The gameplay is a tedious snore. What's her Faith doesn't even play good. All her kicks and punches have a delayed impact and the grabs seem unresponsive. The wall running might be fun but no it's not because it all goes against Mirror's edge gameplay. Shooting exists because we wanted to force it into Mirror's edge.
They even added in RPG elements for some reason.
The interface is full of screen clutter.
They forced an open world because game journalists are allergic to GOOD LINEAR GAMEPLAY. She just runs around the city and it feels exhausting as well as the quests. Fetch quests because the game designers wanna force you to do things.
The story is I couldn't get into it. Why are there so many third person cutscenes with wordy dialogue? This is just no.
The audio mixing sucks.
I simply couldn't get into it. If you're expecting this to be good then you are wrong