very underrated: beautiful, immersive graphics, intuitive & fluid controls --a joy to play. downside? way.too.short
so, as you might've guessed, you do a lot of running, and in a striking world: the architecture of the city has a ever-so-slightly futuristic feel to it, while aesthetically being very modern -- lots of white/light colors and glass. and while you're more or less being chased throughout most of the game, you do get time to take in the sights as it's actually pretty well paced, throwing you into heart-pumping escape/chase sequences and dropping in platforming puzzles with good measure.
bottom line: this game is just plain FUN -- jumping, swinging, sliding, zip-lining (yes!) and wall-running through the highly stylized near-future urban landscape is consistently exhilarating. i only wish there was more of it.
too bad with its poor sales and mixed reception -- yes folks, it's a first person platformer. featuring a woman lead. who is asian. and not sexualized. deal with it. -- we will likely never see a sequel. #sexistracistgamers #ruineverything