Mirror's Edge is a well thought out but poorly executed game, however its other features save it from a fall from grace.
User Rating: 8 | Mirror's Edge PS3
Mirror's Edge isn't your typical FPS...mostly cause it isn't an FPS at all. Although it does have some limited gunplay it focuses mostly on free running from a first-person perspective. Featuring some bright-life graphics and an immersive experience, Mirror's Edge could have still been so much better. The controls feel a bit loose and are often hard to come to terms with but once you learn them well you'll enjoy the experience much more. The gameplay mostly has you running across rooftops and climbing walls but it does have some puzzles worked into it. The plot is quite good, not the best, but passable...and the main story takes about 5 hours or less to complete, and once you've finished it, you'll problem only try it again for some extra trophies. The other main feature with Mirror's Edge is 'race'. In race you have the option to do either Time Trials, which are small parts from the single player chapters or Speedruns, which have you trying to finish the single player chapters as fast as possible. Theres also an online leaderboard which lets the track your times and compare them with others. And thats about it...after you've done all these then your probably not gonna play it again.
Overall, Mirror's Edge is fun and fast but it lacks any other real appeals to you after the most of it is completed, it does have good graphics and an alright story but its not enough to make it truly shine.
I give it 8/10
'Just keep running Faith'