Unique game i like this game but alot of my freinds dosent like it so i recommend to rent it o play the demo
its First Person Not Shooter.
You shoot some times but its better fight then shooting, the game is Parkour running and jumping the buildings,same of infamous and assasin creed style of climbing and jumbing.
its very cool a great game, its not perfect, i mean when you are in the street its very very clean and when you shoot the police they dont bleed like you shoot a toy, but the game is cool i like it, but i have alot of freinds that they like it and alot that they dont.
so i recommend you guys rent it first or play the demo from PSN.
the story is boring and there is 9 chapters in the story mode, and the other mode is Running mode,
there is online mode that you run fast from the point to the other point, its time trail and you can see if was fast or not.
i hope you like it.