Although everything works well in the game,controls are tight and precise,except for a few under your feet moments as well as some awkward gunplay moments. Taking place in very beautiful and detailed yet surreal world .It's really just Prince of Persia maybe even some Assassin's Creed throw in as well except know in first person. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing, just couldn't help think it would have been more fun in the third person view with more moves throw in the mix. I do believe a sequel will fix alot of these issues and deliver the game as it should be .Mirror's Edge just doesn't feel as unique and original as one might think. You just get that been here before ,done that before feeling while playing it .With so many better games out there to spend your time and money on these days.It's just not worth it .Wait for a bargin price But I do give the A for the effort despite the silly story as a blanket.
Mirror's Edge amazed people when it was first shown to the public. DICE Stockholm – the developer best known for the Battlefield series decided to take a break from traditional military combat and instead replaced captur... Read Full Review
The review is correct, there is an incredible amount of trial and error.. but why should the game designers be punished for making it the way they wanted it to be? I personally don't think the trial and error should be a... Read Full Review