Mirror's Edge brings a completely new style of gameplay to the table. The graphics are superb. The character models and environments are really nice to look at. The gameplay, well the game play is freakin' great. None of us have ever playing anything like this. What other first person game allows you the freedom to do even 1/16 of what you can do in this game. The answer is "None". I wouldn't mind playing through this game a half dozen times trying to beat my own time. I give the replay value two thumbs up. The story however, could have been more fleshed out.
Also for those who gave this game a bad rating for not knowing where to go next, "Sometimes, in this game, you have to think and look before you leap."
Mirror's Edge amazed people when it was first shown to the public. DICE Stockholm – the developer best known for the Battlefield series decided to take a break from traditional military combat and instead replaced captur... Read Full Review
The review is correct, there is an incredible amount of trial and error.. but why should the game designers be punished for making it the way they wanted it to be? I personally don't think the trial and error should be a... Read Full Review