The game is great, just a little disappointing in some aspects.

User Rating: 8 | Mirror's Edge X360
Mirrors edge is intensly different from what I am used to, and stands out as a genre opener. However, this formula is at a necessity that some other game will perfect, standing out of what this game could truly be.
Good stuff first, the environments and graphics are breathtaking in simplicity. The controls are easy to learn in a couple sit downs of play. Not only that, this game generalizes strategy to how you approach enemies, overcoming obstacles based on situations, and teaches how to avoid reckless charges and be smart of your decisions. The flow is also excellent in movement and it really pushes you into the game and enjoy every successful jump, climb, or escape route you take.
However, this game is a double edged sword with the blade coming at you being arguably sharper. Character faces are neglected in real detail, losing focus on the environment. While the game does emphasize against the use of guns, the times when you can use them are frustrating in how you direct them. The AI are not the sharpest pencils in the box and sometimes just stand there waiting for you to get out of cover. Speaking of which, there should be some sort of cover system integrated into this game like gears of war did, not to mention the jumps and climbs can be frustrating if you don't achieve it the first few times.
Regardless of such mediocrities dirtying the window of opportunity for a new experience in gaming, Mirrors Edge is able to spill thrills and create amazement in it's uniqueness and physical style. Now the concept has surfaced, who will come to perfect it in the future?