A game not for all, but a fantastic game nontheless

User Rating: 8.5 | Mirror's Edge X360
Imagine you're running on rooftops in a city. You slide under a pipe, and proceed to jump off the rooftop onto another roof, rolling to lessen the impact of the fall. You see to your right an enemy coming out, and you run towards him, disarming him and throwing him to the ground.

That sums up the experience of Mirror's Edge, DICEs latest game, and probably most original one. You take control of Faith, a runner in a totalitarian city where there is no freedom. Runners deliver packages to help get rid of the totalitarian government, although it turns out that there is more to the story than that. I don't want to give too much away, but I will say that the story is somewhat interesting, just enough to keep you attentive to the dialogue.

Now, for the most important part of Mirror's Edge; the gameplay. It is simple, yet awesome. You use the left trigger for low movements (such as sliding), left bumper for high movements (jumping, grabbing, etc.), and the right trigger/bumper for attacks. Yet it all works out surprisingly well. By the end of the game, you'll find yourself making combos that look awesome, which makes the experience all the better.

Also, the art is phenomenal. Although not the best game graphically, the artistic value of the graphics are great at representing how dull the city has become. Basically a mixture of white and a light blue, it looks pretty, but, as I said above, is boring, which is a great representation of the government controlling it. It also makes it easier to use "runner vision", which tells you where to go by marking certain pipes, ramps and such red.

Now, no game is perfect, and this game does have some problems. The amount of trial and error is infuriating at times, and once you get to your 10th try you'll be very, very, frustrated. Also, the length of the story mode is way too short, only lasting eight hours or so. Time trials don't add too much time either.

So if you're a person that gets frustrated easily, this is not the game for you. I would recommend to rent it first, although you might beat it during the rent. Still, this is pretty much a must-buy for anyone who likes doing stuff that looks fancy. Besides, how many first person platformers do you own?