For Me The Best Game of 2008!
The only minor problems with this game; the painful loading times (with the occasional one interupting the flow of your run (but this can be easily rectified by installing the game to the hardrive)) and the short length of the story, other than that this is one of those games that as soon as you start playing you just can't stop.
The great thing about this game is that you feel totally immersed in the plot right from the off and when running away from the cops and numerous helicopters taking that leap from the edge of one building makes you feel like your heart is in your mouth, when you land a difficult jump you feel a huge sense of accomplishment. But the best thing about this game is the fact that while you are not playing you feel like a runner, you plot a path around nearby rooftops and buildings and you just want to feel the thrill of being chased. This can ultimately lead to trouble with the local authorities, but mainly leads you back to the game seeking the next thrill and planning another route and re-inventing the way you play the game.
Top marks: 10 out of 10 X-D