Acrophobic? This game came to heal your disease..or stop your heart's beating! Magnificent! Thrilling! And all new

User Rating: 9 | Mirror's Edge PC
I don't know what others might say but this game is different from any other game I played in years. The gameplay is fantastic, given you understand the developers' decisions. Having a choice not to grab a single weapon and to complete the game in a true "runner" style is fascinating! Yet if you find yourself stuck with enemies nesrby you'll have the choice of disarming one or two of them and killing the others with their weapons or strategically picking one enemy at a time and killing him by cool melee moves!
Trial and error? Yes. Simply because we came to this game pre-occupied with the way other platforming games (as POP amd TR) handle jumps and moves..I tell you one thing: this game has its own way of combining wallruns, jumps and other moves. It can be considered "analog" in world of "digital" platformers!. Once you understrand it, the time you spend in each chapter will significantly be reduced. That said, it indeed has a slow learning curve. But it wothes all your time.. Never in a game before that I had this same sensation of movement..Never I believed I AM inside the head of the character I play as.
The graphics are a wonder..I did't believe the unreal engine can give such vivid and crisp colours. Physix, on the other hand, is a downfall..At least to my modest machine with 8800 GT..It slows down the performance especially in scenes where bullets are flying around and glass is shattered. Disabling it however made the game perfectly smooth all the time with 60+ FPS @ 1280x1024, 16x AA and everything maxed out! And I didn't lose a big deal!