Mirror's Edge offers a breath of fresh air and has a lot of potential for the future. Definitely a must-buy.
Gameplay: First-Person perspective is widely used in shooters. Well not this time. Even though there are shooting sequences in this title, they are not necessary and thus the game cannot be called a shooter, because it is not. More likely "First-Person Parkour". The gameplay mechanics are great, and they make you feel like you are in the game world running across buildings and performing insane stunts in order to escape you pursuers. At first it may seem uncomfortable but after a while you will get used to this perspective. Trust me. You may recognize some of the moves from other titles like Assassin's Creed or Prince of Persia only this time you get to see them in a different way. And this is the innovativeness that Mirror's Edge delivers. In short, I've never played a game like this one before. Now, about the difficulty. If you set it on easy then you will see everywhere red objects. They represent the path you must follow, thus making the game much easier and less time consuming. If you set it on hard though then NO red objects will be shown and you will have to search on your own to find your way around. See? Everybody is satisfied...
Graphics: Top notch. Absolutely stunning. They may be too shiny and colorful for some but that's another story. The cutscenes in between each chapter are cartoon-like and don't have much to offer compared to the game's look. The good thing here is that you don't need a Super Mega Ultra Crysis-like Rig to play this game on high and with AA. This means that if a game company takes the time to optimize their title much more people will be able to play them and so everybody would be happy.
Story: Very interesting, though I must say that it wasn't anything special. The idea of "future messengers"… I liked. But everything else was…predictable. Of course you may have a different opinion so don't judge harshly. In short, Mirror's Edge story is nothing special but it does its job.
Sound: The best part of this title in my opinion, the musical score of Mirror' Edge is awesome and it perfectly fits the game. This guys (EA) even hired a singer for their soundtrack and that is admirable. I usually never pay much attention to the sound of a game but sometimes you just can't ignore it (Half-Life). And let me tell you. If it wasn't for the music I wouldn't feel the same about this game and its atmosphere.
Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 9
Story: 8
Sound: 10
Overall: 9,25
Bottom Line: BUY THIS GAME. NOW!!! You won't regret it!!!
PS: I'm sorry for any grammar errors and/or wrong usage of words but my English is not the best there is so be forgiving :)