Mirror's Edge: Brilliant game of sheer perfection..kind of

User Rating: 9 | Mirror's Edge PC
Ah Mirror's Edge..one of the most unique games made to date. The whole game is hardcore free running..Jumping on rooftops, out windows, on ledges, you name it. When you're 100 stories in the air jumping around, This game brings pure enjoyment. The storyline is weak, I will admit. It's simple and doesn't bring much mystery or suspense but as you play the game you'll more than likely find yourself not caring about anything but how much freaking fun you're having running around like it's your job..which to Faith, the main character, It is! The graphics in this game are just beautiful with a unique kind of graphic animation such as Borderlands brought. The Cut-scenes are even more strange believe it or not. They look as if they're taken right off the drawing board and thrown into the game pixelated. they're short and simple but they are just a wonder to watch. The combat in this game is short lived, mostly because they have guns, and you don't, so you're trying to get out of there as fast as you can run. Yet, on a few seldom occasions you'll have to fight your way through which gives you the opportunity to use Faith's array of awesome combos of kicks and punches, and well as the grapple in which you can take their gun from them and finish everyone else in the area with the guns remaining bullets.
All in all, Mirrors Edge is a beautiful game, although it only takes a couple of hours to beat you'll soon find yourself coming back for more finding the exact same enjoyment even when repeating levels. The storyline can be lame, and not to mention it can make some sick because of the very fast moving and thrashing around of the camera. This game just isn't for some people..but it's sure for me, which is why I gave this game a 9/10