User Rating: 9 | Yuke Yuke!! Trouble Makers N64
man this game is a classic its too bad that not many people has expierienced this game its just awesome with the gameplay its just like a super mario bros for the n64 but slightly diffrent this game is also challenging such as the bosses and the levels in it the story line is understandable all i can say is if u have had this game then you rock and to anyone who wants to try this game im afraid you ran out of luck since the next gen consoles came but no matter what this game will always be in one of my top lists. finally heres what i think about the game in statistics:
graphics: 5/10 (cmon its n64 but still rocks)
gameplay: 9/10
storyline: 7/10
overall: 9/10
and finally just to quote this game is has what many games lack these days and that is SIMPLICITY AT ITS BEST which even if they remake this game it will never b the same as it is.