A first time game that I wanted to support

User Rating: 5 | Misk Schools Quest PS4

Before anything else in this review it is important to note that I am being extremely generous in this review due to the nature of the game. This game was made by an actual company, with input from school children of various ages. So the reason for my generosity here is that I want to encourage as many as possible to get into games dev. The more voices, and the variety of voices we have in gaming will only help to expand what games we get.

With that out of the way, Misk Schools Quest is a very standard first game from a group of students. A brief summary is that it is a 3rd person shooter where the player must fire their recovery beam at corrupted robots in a far future city to remove the computer virus from them. There are 10 levels, that are divided up by 3rd person vehicle sections where the player must navigate to a new teleport gate to get to the next level.

Each level has a number of robots that the player must find and cure of the virus, along with health packs and ammo for the player to pick up. Once the player is down to 4 robots remaining, they will be revealed by UI elements. This, and the vehicle sections, is the only gameplay available. This is a very short game.

Graphically the game looks brilliant. Even if these are pre-made assets, they are all placed together well and the visual style is cohesive across the game. Whilst the robots can blend into the background in some of the darker levels, it does add to the gameplay by forcing the player to keep a close eye out for the robots.

There are some movement and control annoyances: any sloped surface (including stairs) can be very inconsistent to travel up, and the run option is not a toggle, so you have to click the left stick and keep it clicked in to run. As mentioned the game is quite short, so you may not feel it is worth the asking price.

However, with all of that said, I love that they created a game using 3rd person shooter controls that does not inherently involve the player committing violent acts. Combined with what little story we receive and the visuals, it paints a future where humanity has advanced past combat and we are instead focusing our energy into the arts, expanding our domain, and teaching. This is what saved the game for me personally and drove me to write this review.

This game definitely will not be for everyone. It may be the last thing that this company and group of people work on. But, to me, what it represents is fantastic.