Mission Impossible makes all missions possible!

User Rating: 9.2 | Mission: Impossible N64
From having a party on a boat to causing fake fires, this game will you have you from the begginning to the end. This game is extemely fun and even years after the release, I'm still having a bullet time playing it! You start out in a party in a boat, your mission is unexpected for when you first start the game. Killing someone, but you must do it discreetly.

So whether you're a Mass Murderer in the making, a Hardcore Gamer or someone newly introduced to Modern games, than Mission Impossible is the game for you. It is good for all abilities, easy for newcomers, challenging to Veterans and fun for all.

Gameplay: Mission Impossible is one of the best games for Nintendo 64, the reason? The Gameplay, the missions widely vary from escaping a mental hospital (to my knowledge...) to just planning to cause a fake fire. Everything ties in at the end when you find yourself partying at the end with all of the people who helped you along the way.

Graphics: The graphics are some of the best for the Nintendo 64, I never saw the Frame Rate drop, and the animations are really good. The variety of characters outfits make it much better as you feel more "in" the game because it is usually like that in real life.

Sound: The sound is great, and has everything from dropping drink glasse to playing the piano, from shooting bullets to sounds coming from your gas-mask.

Value: Good value, really worth it, but good luck finding a copy today. My copy came from USA, and I don't live there.