i dunno what to say

User Rating: 9 | Mission: Impossible N64
This game u have to like classic games like goldeneye and stuff. Well thats my opinion. Cuz if u play this game now ull think its crappy compared to the other games out there on the xbox and playstation and all that. thats why i LOVE it, its not all like f.e.a.r and splinter cell i know but this was one of my first game just like goldeneye. so ANYways about the game dont be fooled by the graphics and what u can and cannot do just play it, if u loved godleneye and the oldass games ull like this. u have all kinds of levels like sneaky ones, exciting ones, etc , i know i dont have alot to say about this game but u have to buy it im sure now its like 15 bucks even if its like 10 years old or something. but its sweet. old games RULE! lol

the dude that rated this game (6.6) i think was half asleep. ooor not taste... no offence sry play it and LOVE IT ...or else lol ...