Now I have a pretty extensive collection of games but I can say that I have NOTHING else anything like this game. Basically you play as a mosquito (well sort of a cartoony robot esq mosquito but let's not be picky). Anyway as all mosquito's do you survive by sucking blood and since winter is on the way you'd better stock up on plenty of the red stuff to see you through those cold nights. Each level puts you in a room with one of the delightful Yamada family or one of their friends. One level sees you sucking the blood of the father of the family as he watches tv, another sees you take a feeding frenzy on a nerdy friend of the families daughter ...the same daughter is the star of another level in which you gorge yourself on her blood while she is taking a bath (no you don't see anything and shame on you for even thinking it.) anyway the gameplay works as follows you fly around the room and while trying to be careful not to alert your prey you must sneak to the target bite zone on their body and carefully rotate the anologue stick at the correct speed to keep the bar in the comfort zone thus preventing your swatting related death. However life isnt always so simple, you must on occasion provide some form of distraction to your target so you can move in for the bite this could involve switching the tv channel or messing with the air conditioner to provoke movement, you must also contend with blasting air conditioners and other area hazards, as the family get tired of mosquito bites all over they soon enlist all sorts of insecticides and bug zappers. Furthermore should you ever be spotted skulking around the family member enters combat mode, they go wild trying to end your blood sucking regime, in these situations you must charge into pressure points on your attackers body (turns out our robot mosquito friends also knows all about pressure points flows of calming chi etc.) so far from being an entirely simple blood letting adventure this title has moments of complexity giving you the full insect simulation experience, its a tad short and plenty odd but altogether an amusing and refreshing title its a shame they dont make more different games like this it's by no means revolutionary and it may not change your life...but refreshing, bold and still good fun.
Other Helpful Reviews for Ka (PlayStation 2 the Best)
With out a doubt this is one of the most original and unique games I have ever played. You play as a mosquito, and your job is to suck the blood out of innocent people. It may sound like a weird game, but it is totally d... Read Full Review
Mr. Mosquito is the weirdest...........flight sim? I don't even know what to call it. You play a mosquito and your job is to suck blood from different members of this one specific suburban japanese family. Honestly, i do... Read Full Review