Great game with many amazing game modes but still there is no home run derby =(
User Rating: 9 | MLB 07: The Show PS3
I just got this game about 2 weeks ago. Its a very fun game to play. I love how there is the season mode and career mode. The season mode is definantly very fun because you actually get to see what every person on your team is hitting. Career mode is the best mode by far however because you make one person and you are that one person forever. When you are on the free agents you can choose how long you want your contract and how much you get paid. However just because you want that does not mean that you get it. When your finally on a team you have to gain skill points to make your character better. When you have played for like a couple days you have the opportunity to join the major league. If you keep your avg up you can even stay there. When you get your character to be very good you can make him hit home runs a lot faster and be a better player. Overall I think that its a great game but I still don't like the fact that it does not have home run derby