This is my favorite baseball game for any console since the release of MVP Baseball 2005. There are a lot of reasons that make this game great. For starters the big thing that I liked about this years MLB game was the revamped career mode which is a hundred times better than last year. I played MLB 06 The Show, and when playing my seasons I would give up entirely before even reaching the major league. For MLB 07 The Show the games go much faster, fast forwarding to a time that your player is involved in both on offense and defense. This works very well, making the games less boring and faster paced. Gaining points to better my stats this year is easier and it seems to go quicker than last years game. I'm sure that the season, franchise, and all the other modes are pretty much the same, but the gameplay has been stepped up by new pitcher interface. The commentary is pretty much the same as 06 but it still works very well. Batting has been left alone for the most part except for the new interface for guessing the pitch and a better way to effect the swing zones and also to influence the ball( point down to influence the ground ball and up to do a long pop up for a sacrifice RBI.) The difficulty can be set to get it just right and though you might not get a homer on every at bat its sure a lot better than lasts years batting.Altogether MLB 07 The Show pulls together well to be one of the best baseball games to come out for the PS2.
I really enjoyed last years version and this year The Show is back and better than ever. I am a serious baseball fan and this game brings home all the treats I need until the real season starts! The improved career mode,... Read Full Review
(Note: This is strictly a review of MLB: The Show’s Franchise mode.) I’ve been milking EA’s MVP ‘05 franchise mode for as long as possible, convinced that video game baseball could never get better. Finally broke down... Read Full Review