This game rules! Never played "The Show" before but am blown away!

User Rating: 9.5 | MLB 09: The Show PS3
Attention: Believe the hype! I recently bought my PS3 for MGS4 and Uncharted but found that "The Show" is exclusive to the system so I decided to give it a shot. After playing the 2K series for 3 seasons now, I feel like I'm in heaven. I seriously can't say enough about this game. The graphics are so smooth and I'm yet to experience any frame rate issues as I have in 2K. Though batting is a little difficult, the game makes up for on the pitching side. From the catcher recommending pitches and location to the pitcher having confidence issues, this game nails all the little things that make baseball baseball. Most sporting simulations tend to focus on the razzle-dazzle where as "The Show" focuses on all the little things. I've only played for 5-6 hours now but am completely hooked!! Quite possibly the best sport simulation of all time and that's coming from a Madden and 2K Basketball FREAK! Don't waste the six bucks to rent this game. Put that money down on the purchase. This is IT!