This is the best baseball game I've played in a long damn time..

User Rating: 9.5 | MLB 09: The Show PS3
Honestly.. I don't know when the last time was I had this much fun playing a baseball game. Going back, waaay back.. I'm talking RBI Baseball, Baseball Stars (1&2 ARC), Ken Griffey for SNES.. there hasn't been a game this good in many, many years.

From the get go you are reminded of the game's title. And it doesn't fall short on presentation and compelling game play.

Batting is a pure. Pitching is enjoyable. The fielding is superb. Stadiums, players, every detail, painstakingly perfect. Great job this time around Sony!

The online SC mode is unbelievable and ground breaking for a sports franchise. Built in forums, feedback forms. You can download several rosters from around the world. Want the World Baseball Classic teams and roster, go download it. Players from around the world are uploading their roster for download. It's that good!

Great baseball experience that will be tough to be for years to come. Here's hoping they don't screw up the sequel ('10) and keep the hits coming! VIVA PLAYSTATION! :D