Old School and simple Game Play Combined with present features makes this game amazing.

User Rating: 10 | MLB Power Pros 2008 WII
MLB Power Pros is a game that reminds of what baseball games should be like and not what the makers of other games think it should be. It is not all about the graphics but about what people like to do in a game. Its easy, fun, and the silly graphics make it a better game than any baseball game I have ever played. With the horrible baseball games out today, this game gave me hope that a good baseball game can still be made. The reason it is so great is because instead of focusing on how realistic and how this player looks and all that, it focuses on the aspects that somebody actually wants in a game. Success mode and MLB life are exactly what I have been waiting in any sports game. Creating your own player and raising his stats is what I find the best about any game. Every hit you get with your custom player just makes you want to play more and more. Being able to basically combine an RPG game with a sports game is genius, and it is what i have been waiting for since I started playing video games. Usually with sports games the game play starts to get boring, but with this game it is exactly as fun now as when it came out of the case and into my system. Other baseball games try to make it realistic as possible, but then the game just ends up all choppy and buggy and the game play never feels smooth like you have complete control. Just make the game simple and fun like how the old Ken Griffey games used to be on Nintendo 64. This game has the same things as other baseball games, but it is ten times more fun, and it is very underrated on this site. It might not deserve a perfect 10, but with this site's inaccurate rating,(because they probably didn't play the game long enough to get past the silly graphics) I am giving it a better rating because it deserves one. It is very under-appreciated.