Not bad,really.
The bad:Online multiplayer woul've been nice.
I actually found this game to be quite enjoyable.Sure,it's not up there with Armored Core 4(its more around there with Spiderman 3),but its definetly not as bad as gamespot suggests.The levels were fun for me,the graphics were pretty impressive,but even so,it still feels like an unfinished game.No one said it had to come out at the time of the PS3(there were some other good titles that came out at that time).If they had given it,say,2 more months it would probably be just as good as AC4,if not better.There were some occasional clipping issues,and like gamespot says,the framerate could be better and online multiplayer would've been a joy if only it was included in the game.Not to say the game is bad,though.It's a great game for what it is and if you own a PS3,you should consider going down to your local EB games and picking up a copy.The store clerk might look at you funny,but go out and get this gem anyway.'Nuff said.