the gameplay is good but the space controls take awhile to get used to other than that no problems. Ace pilot has great graphics there are shells when you shoot with MGs there are particles when you fire beams the different MGs(100mm,90mm, 120mm, 105mm, and Fed 90mm) do different damage like the 100mm is more powerful than the 90mm but it fires slower the 120mm is even more powerful but fires slower the 90mms do less damage than the other MGs but they fire faster and do damage faster there are lots of different guns several bazzokas, several beams, several MGs, a few rocket launchers, and then theres the melee weapons the beam sabers are much better than the stuff like heathawks but all can do alot of damage. the sound is from the show the guns, thrusters, walking, running, explosions, and other sounds and music are from the show. replayability is very high since there are other pilots, MS, weapons, and extras(like additions to the MS gallery which has movies about some MS in the game but its in Japanese). almost everything is in Japanese but you don't need to read Japanese or understand it . the different pilots determine how good or bad the MS is like Chris(from 0080) makes the Alex(yes its finnaly in a game) worse than a Zaku when Amuro is in the Zaku IMO anyway, she is the worst pilot in the game while Amuro is the best but at first no one is really good you need to get their levels up higher and she is bad even at the highest level(which is 30 for everyone) and in this game the GMs are actually better than the Zakus even the ball seems better than zakus tp me anyway. but get this game if you have a GC at cheap there but you will also need a freeloader but there is a combo to buy them both at the same time its a good deal)
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