Modern Combat: Dedication!

User Rating: 9 | Modern Combat: Domination PS3
I have to say, we have had quite a few PSN shooter titles that have promised to deliver a joyful play experience but have come up short. This game exceeds all those with some guilty pleasure.

First things first is the price for the game, dirt cheap but at a affordable and worth it cost. Most past-tense psn games such as Blacklight Tango Down & The Punisher were some of the most looked forward to titles that ended up disappointing.

The online is great, very very little lag if any @ all. The servers for this game feel like a breeze for once. When you come into a lobby you are experiencing the full package. The level cap for this game is level 79? I believe. The more Kills you get the higher you rank up, the more money you have to purchase new weapons.

The weapons are nice, and the hit detection is spot on. You can quick scope like in CoD, Knife, etc. You get a loadout and can have w/e you can afford basically.

The map selection is kind of limited as you have 5 to choose from. But the levels for the majority are big, so you won't find yourself running past the same thing twice. You also have the option of a Private Match.

The Detail in the environments are as expected for a PSN game, good but nothing too spectacular.

The game has been tested pretty well. As there have been no HUGE amount of glitch exploits. You can tell the developers put in barriers in spots that you wouldn't expect. I have tested all the maps for this so I know first hand.

The Guilty Pleasure portion is the Knifing, I feel this should be like CoD's, and the fact that if you hold down R3, not letting go. You can Knife forever. I hope this is fixed because it should be a single press only. =/

Overall, the game is great so far. If I had to compare this game to others, I'd say a mix of Counterstrike, BFBC, & Rainbow Six. I think any Shooter Guru who is looking for a good time at an Affordable cost. Should check this out.

I'm sold.