Am I missing something?

User Rating: 7.5 | ModNation Racers PS3
I'm sorry, but i don't know how this game is receiving great reviews. While the story line and the ability to crate most aspects of the game are great, I feel that this game is a miss on what should matter the most...RACING! Before I receive the flames, about the fact that it's a kart racer, lets look as the fact that you can travel faster while drifting then you can wile driving straight. Does this really make sense? Really? Yeah it's easy enough to figure out how to get the most out of drifting, but does it make sense? Add that to the insane load times and im sorry i can't give it a 9 or an 8. perhaps a 7.9 because it can be fun. The load times definitely take away from the game, and I am sorry about harping on this one point but, I can drive faster skidding across the ground while turning then I could driving straight? That is ridiculous!
When the best thing about a game is not what the main point of the game (in this case racing) then the game isn't that good.The racing aspect of this game is a total miss. The powerups are cool, but the racing mechanics should have been made differently.This game couldn't tie Mario Karts shoe! and to think I traded in Mario Kart and my sims racing (both on Wii) for this crap! I feel duped. I should have gotten Blur instead of this game.