I wish Mario Kart was this hard!!
The graphic
I find the simple details in the race tracks are awesome, even the boost speeds look realistic. Everything is as it should be. Even the character models are easy and simplistic, but they still look awesome and read. Especially facial expression. The tracks are awesome looking, especially the water and dirt roads, even when you get hit by a damn missile about a 100 times in one race (which gets damn annoying!) But there is something in simplicity that make the game just look plain good.
This game has a lot to do for you especially if you like to design your own karts, mods, tracks, stickers etc... there is a steepish learning curve, if you want to put in the time. I am not that creative so I am not talented in that department in the game. When you are in your Modspot, which is the hub for all of modnation, you can go check out mods and karts of the day, play on people's tracks and try to beat them in their own game. Which will keep you playing this game for awhile. There is also a single player campaign, which is awesome and intense, but not as hard as online racing. When you play online, this is where it gets intense, where you drift like a maniac, and try to fill up your boost meter to use for speed or shields (most important) I barely use my speed boost unless on a straight away, shields are more important because you will get hit often!!! lol
Well when you make your own kart you can create different sounds with engines, and they even sound different and real, including a heart for a motor which beats faster and faster. It's awesome. I am surprised that I did not get annoyed by the announcers, I actually find them funny and interesting to listen too, but when you are racing, it's a different story, they tend to repeat and repeat. Which is a small amount to pay since you don't really listen to them in a race due to the intensity of it.
Modnation Racer is an awesome game for those of you who loved Little big planet and for those who love to create your own stuff. The online battles can be annoying, especially if you are new because you will get hit a million times and will have to practice on when you should put up your shield. other than that, the game is fast, intense and a blast to play online and offline. So, if you were unsure about the game, well now I hope you go get it and game it up with me. Element_2131 is my psn name. add me up! Cheers!