The cheerleading squad is back with new challenges and much more fun
The game system remains the same: along with the song's rhythm, just keep touching and dragging the coloured balls as they appear to score points. The more precise is the time, more points are earned. The further you go into the phases, the difficulty level increases, the faster is the rhythm, or more balls are shown in the touch screen.
While pressing the balls, a small story is shown. The main goal is to make the cheerleading team shaking up the crowd while the main character of the story tries to get a job, re-encounter a dead relative or even save the world.
The news about this game is the presence of a rival cheerleading team. Remember that in the previous game you helped one cheerleading team? In this game you'll help them again, plus another team. Each of the rivals teams will share for one side of the map (and I won't tell more about this, because I would be spoiling something).
The technical aspects are the same: the touching command's responses are very good and precise and won't disappoint you at any time of the game (unless your touchscreen is dirty). The old characters are as charismatic as ever and gained a few slight changes in their looks. The difficulty level increased a little, only to make the game last longer. It may be frustrating at first, specially if you didn't master the first game, but in the end it's worth the time spent. The songs, even though they're not as good as the first game of the series (at least in my opinion, since everyone to whom I talked seemed to like the second game's music rather than the first game's music), are pretty nice, some are even quite addictive. Again, you'll find some pretty famous names in the J-pop world, so if you're fan of this music's style, you might like the game.
So, my final words are... well, this game is as perfect as the first one. Definitely worth playing!