Could have been better, but a good game if you're looking for a video game board game for the family.

User Rating: 7.1 | Monopoly (Special Price) PS
Monopoly has been around forever, so I won't bore you with the game specifics, pretty much everyone knows what it's about. A video game just can't take the place of actually rolling the dice, counting out the money, and wheeling and dealing with the other players. But the PS1 version does a decent job of taking Monopoly electronic. It's actually nice not counting out money for every transaction, it saves time on what can be a very lenghty game. The fact that you can save the game and come back later also is a plus. You can customize some of the rules, but you obviously can't make up any rule you want, like you can with the real game. Where this game IS lacking is the gameplay. When you're playing against AI players, you can never tell what they're doing. When they land on a property that's for sale, the game doesn't tell you if they bought it or not. You have to wait til it's your turn and go to a special screen to see what properties they have. And when they're broke and the sell or mortgage their properties for money, all it says is "player _ raised money". It doesn't tell you HOW, or what they sold. Again, you have to find out on your own. Also, the deal process, where you buy/trade with other players, is pretty tedious. You have to drag the pointer all over the screen and go through a long process just to make an offer. Then if it's rejected, you have to do it all over again with a better deal if you want the property. Although the gameplay can be a pain at times, the game still makes playing Monopoly simpler and quicker, in a good way. It could definitely be better. But this is one of those games you're most likely not going to buy unless you're specifically looking for Monopoly, in which case I think you'll be satisfied.