Monster House Is Resident Evil 4 for kids.
Story: The story is a bit different from the movie if you have seen it. the game starts up with Dj flipping through a book with pictures of his life and talking about the monster house etc..etc.
So then after all that the game skips everything in the beginning of the movie to the scene were DJ, Jenny and chowder are in a Police car then get sucked in by the monster house.
After that Dj, Jenny and chowder say some cheesy dialog and then their is a loading screen....after that it shows chowder backing up and knocks a pot down and then the house starts to shake then these two tubes come down and sucks jenny and chowder into different parts of the house (it seems the house is bigger than a mansion) So after that you play as DJ.
The story is just a story its not bad and its not great its just a story. 6.0 for the story.
Graphics/textures: The graphics in the game are good they are not as bad as they look the animations are great. the textures for paintings/pictures, walls, doors etc..etc are great, on walls you see good looking designs and on paintings it looks good not like other games were its all blurry. The character face's are pretty bad during cut scenes their face expressions look pretty funny so you might laugh at how bad they look, it just looks chunky. sometimes the graphics can look a bit blurry and messy true on walls it can look blurry and sometimes good and on pictures it can look blurry/messy or decent.
So the graphics are pretty good but not so bad that you have to worry about it. graphics: 7.0
Sound/Music/Voice acting: The sound in the game pretty good actually its nothing really to worry about. Music in the game is really good its not real bad its orchestra music it can be a bit creepy reminds me of music from the resident evil games. So the music is very good. Voice acting is decent..they got the voice actors for the characters in the movies but their voices can get annoying after a while. when Dj jenny and chowder get hurt by a enemy they will go "Ow!" or say "hey watch it!!" which is really stupid *laughs*. and you can get hit alot by enemys then you will hear whatever character you have keep going: "ow!" "owch" "hey watch it!" etc..etc. so it can get annoying.
Sound/music/voice acting/ 7.5
Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is pretty good its like resident evil 4s just not as good. you need keys to unlock some doors sometimes their is puzzles in the game but they are very simple. you walk around with a gun and you press X to shoot and Triangle to reload. the game can get a bit repetitive but its not bad. Gameplay 7.0
Overall if your a parent and you see this game for a low price i would get it if i were you. and kids/teenages/mabye adults. if you see this game buy it. its a pretty good game.
Overall the game gets a 7.0