This Game Is The Best Out On Psp

User Rating: 10 | Monster Hunter Portable 2nd PSP
For 1 this game is the best i know people like too put it down
saying ahh its too hard its dumb and stupid and not worth the money
wich is all a lie and gamespots 5 on it wich is more lame
o wonder why they have lazy people in the back playing new games and giveing them sucky reviews, this game is a hardcore game makes you think on your attack and what too do not saying aww it sucks because of the controls and needs auto aim bah bah bah this is not for the lazy people who say this game sucks and the loading time is soo not true you can have that turned off ive played this game for over 400 hours and more dont say this game sucks because you need too come in with a super open mind that there is no story its based on questing and have a fun time with friends and getting that super armor/weapon the BEST time killer ive played since WoW