I would call MHF2 a near-perfect game. It's a great game, until you find out you have to fight a Brangonga....
story 2/5
If MHF2 is lacking anything, its lacking a story. but dont worry the story wont be missed thanks to the amazing gameplay, the story is pretty much all it says when you select the game, you are a hunter in a world with ferocious monsters...you get the point. But thats not to say you start from nowhere, just some person with no history who becomes a hunter. they give a small in the beginning which is just big enough to give you a sense of belonging.
gameplay 5/5
Like i said, thanks to the gameplay story will not be missed. In this game, you fight giant monsters and carve them when you kill them. err....that was short. Its really hard to explain the gameplay but you'll understand when you play it. You except a quest, get loaded on to a map (instance kinda thing) and you fullfill the quest requirements. you run around with your giant greatsword (probably the first weapon you'll start with) and hack your way to the goal. People say that this game has alot of grinding but truth is... it doesnt. simple as that. the reason you might have to grind is for weapons and armour (yes im canadian). but even then you'll only need to fight the same monster less than 5 times but thats it. most game you dont even have to think when you're doing a quest. but in this game, if you charge a wyvern blindly its probably going to charge back. you need to fing a strategy when fighting wyverns(memorizing howe they move,their habits what theyre weak against and whether or not you should bring falsh bombs). Not only that but the environment is hell as well. Like when you run out of those hot drinks or when you die because a freakin vespoid just stuned you, it can get really hard. One mistake a lot of people make when playing this game is quitting as soon as you meet Kut Ku. sure hes the first wyvern you ever fought and this is probably the first time you'll ever have to try. its usuall at this point people give up because their weapons bounce off. its when you start fighting wyverns when the good of the game actually comes out.
Difficulty hard
yes this game is hard for the inexperienced hunter. its easy and maybe even boring when you're still fighting giapreys but its more hard when you fight kut ku. what really pisses most people off are blademasters: losing sharpness in a middle of a fight
Gunners: damn vespoids!!
But you see thats the point. if you never bounce off a wyvern and always do 100 percent damage whats the point being a gunner. and if you coul just stand on a ledge without those stupid vespoid and fire shells at the monstr out of harms way then why be a blademaster.
the difficulty will get on your nerves but for a group with a strategist (im the on in my group) you can quickly figure out monsres moveopenings and good gunning points.
Sound: 9/10
monster hunter freedom 2 has amazing music. though most of the time when finding wyverns theres no music. where there's action, there's music. the theme will grow on you for sure and the catchy cooking themes and many other music. Also the option to change your characters voice is amazing with over 15 choices with each gender! the sound of a wyverns roar, your sword meating a wyverns flesh, and the sound of 8 large barrel bombs detonated by a misplaced kick, are all very nice.
Learning curve: 10 hours
Attention all begginers!!! Go to the training school and do quests there!!!
If you really want to play the game for what it is, forget about a jump start, just do the training quests first. the hardest part really, for learning is mastering your perfect weapon. Attention all begginers!!! the highest hitting weapon isn't necessarily the best weapon to be. for the first time in all us monster hunter games wepaons are pretty much equal.
I hope im not missing anything but....get this game!!!!!
for more info just watch videos on youtube.