Kill monsters, get good stuff, kill more monsters, get better stuff, then kill da biggest monster. Sound repetitive?

User Rating: 6 | Monster Hunter Portable 2nd PSP
In Monster Hunter Freedom 2, you basically start with a rather large selection of equipment, then, you start to learn about quests by ... doing quests, then, you actually do real quests, then, you do the hardest, most adventurous quest...., go back to doing all the other quests until they are all done, which is close to never.

That is basically what this game is all about, the only thing dynamic is that you get money and stuff to buy all sorts of equipment again after each quest. There are also lots of different locations and lots of different types of monsters, but in the end, its still all just about killing them using the same method everytime, and even with your rather large choice of weapons, it still isn't fun after the 100000th time. You also have a pet and farm, but those aren't important, this game just mainly focuses on them QUESTS and the KILLING OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

There are 3 types of these quests, gathering, hunting, and slaying.
Basically, gathering is going out to where the monsters are and getting an item, hunting is killing the hardest one there, and slaying is killing all of them. Quests only vary by the amount and location, like how many monsters to kill or how many mushrooms to pick, and to kill them on the beach, or get them from the desert.

There is no story whatsoever.
Some say that this is "Freedom" so there shouldn't be a story, and that its OK not to have one.
What I believe is, If there IS a story, then it COULD be repetitive,
If there ISN'T story, then it HAS to be dynamic in gameplay with alot of DIFFERENT things to do.
This is just what I believe.
Sound doesnt matter, graphics are not bad.

Multiplayer is just doing exactly evrything i mentioned above, only somebody else is doing it with you, so you will probably do it a bit faster.

Personally, I'm not surprised that evryone liked it, even when its so repetitive, because many people seem to like repetitive things. Thats how Tetris became so popular. I for one do NOT like repetitive things, ESPECIALLY those without a story. But, if you do, go ahead and buy it, i don't really give a damn.

Thank you for listening to my rant.