You will eather love this, or hate this.

User Rating: 9 | Monster Hunter Portable 2nd PSP
I saw gamespots review, saw the players reviews And decided to throw in my view.

MHF2 is basicly You Vs a ton of monstars over the games 270 quests, what makes this game specail is the fact you can play it and time flys by. if a psp game doesn't do that, then its not right.

MHF2's biggest problem is not what anyone has said here, The biggest problem with MHF2 is that there is no free roaming mode (if someone has mentioned this im sorry).

For a PSP game there is alot of content. 70 monstars. 270 quests, enough weapons to start a small war. Overall this is a good, high quality game.

BTW As people are reading though the bad reviews on this game, let me comment on a few.

1. "Camera is a waste of time".
The Camera is a bit bad, but at the same time its also good in its flaws.
The fact is the camera can be set to a certain objective, grab that item, reach that exit. in a fair fight with monstars , a simple press of the L button snaps it infront again.

2. "Weapons are So, slow and/or clumsy"
The fact is, I bet most of the reviewers took the biggest and most powerful weapon and didn't think it would be the slowest. The truth is the most powerful weapons are slow, are clumsy, but in the real world if you took one of them you wouldn't be able to swing it around like it was a short sword. There are 5 different classes of weapons, the speed based weapons, the power based, the mass kill weapons, the defencive weapons and the ranged. It doesn't take a genius to work out that the bigger more powerful weapons are slow.

3. "Why do the quests have time limits?"
Do I really have to explain this? the fact is you can only stay out in a certain area for a while in real life.

4."OMG! the monstars are to hard to kill"
The fact is this is true, but arn't all boss monstars these days? also helps if you pick a quest which links to your rough abilitys.

To make the people who don't like this game happy, I will say that its a waste of time chasing boss monstars who run away, and that there is no boss health bar.

Overall this is eather a game you will love for its depth. Or hate for its flaws, so heres my opinion. Go out, rent it / borrow it from a friend and play for a few hours, if you like it go out and buy it (or keep renting/borrowing it) if you don't like it, return the game and buy something you will like.

You may now laugh at how hopeless my review is.