Monster Hunter Freedom 2

User Rating: 9 | Monster Hunter Portable 2nd PSP
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 is possibly The greatest game for the PSP. While hunting for giant gorrilas who look like they take steroids, you can also gather various items and hunt for things that are weaker than their greater form, such as the Velociprey and Velocidrome, these quests can be very helpful in progressing in the game because some materials you acquire from Gathering Quests, Hunting Quests and Slaying Quests, help you craft weapons, improve weapons or crate armour. You can also improve armour in this sequel to make the Monsters have trouble to injure you. Some weapons have attributes that some monsters have a weakness to, for example, a Plesioth, the water dwelling Wyvern, is weak against a weapon with a lightning, shock attribute. This game is The Perfect game for gamers like me who like adventure games with weapons in them, I also like action and shooting games. This is the best game for the PSP so far. But im getting a PS3 for Christmas next week on the 25th of December so my Monster Hunter Freedom 2 reign may come to an end. Christmas is in a week and 3 days and Christmas Eve is a week and 2 days. Merry Christmas!!