The world of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Rules. Period.

User Rating: 9.5 | Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G PSP
This game is Beast, and let me tell you why. The Beggining starts off a little slow, as the totorials and learning curve take time. But as you progress, you can't put the PSP down. The Monsters you encounter make you stop and admire them. The way of creating your weapons and armor rather than buying them is extra challenging and fun. Farming helps you a lot, and the fishing and mining rock. (No pun intended). The variety of items and and combination possibilites seem endless. The challenge even adds to the fun. Sure the game may make you scream for mercy, but the triumph in the end makes you cry tears of joy. The epicness of this game is immense when you are taking a stroll through the mountains and encounter the Tigrex. Thats just the beggining. Give it a look and be patient. It is the best.