More than a rehash.
As i recreated my hunter and selected his pompadour hairstyle, i figured that this game would simply have me going through the motions for several mission sets, killing several re-skinned yian kut-ku look a likes. However, after being sent flying off of a mountain by the games main antagonist monster (for the beginning of the game anyways) Tigrex, the game took a quick and exciting turn into a new adventure of carving and carnage.
The new pokke village is standard fair, with access to chief quests, armor and weapon craftsman and vendor stall, guild hall, training school, and access to the upgradeable farm. However the village, while a nice change of pace from the original forest and hills village, is not what makes this game so enjoyable.
First off, the quests have become far more accessible, and less grinding is required to advance to the next set of missions. this, coupled with new areas, monsters, and an even wider array of equipment, shows massive improvement to its predecessors.
Weapons such as the gun-lance, hunters bow, and hunters horn add new strategies and options to players tired of the same hammer and great sword fare, and lower level quests containing higher tier monsters allow the player to experiment with new armor types and styles in order to find a play style that suits them.
another greatly improved aspect is farm renovation and point accumulation. Account items not only add cash to your pocket, but now also add to your point total, making renovation infinitely easier, and therefore the requisition of useful materials. Treasure hunter quests are also no longer multiplayer exclusive.
through a list of improvements, and new monsters, monster hunter freedom unite not only improves upon its acclaimed formula, but also reminds us why we love the series.