Fun game, muliplayer makes the game. I'd say gamespot score is so low due to them being no good at the game.
User Rating: 9 | Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G PSP
I've been playing this game since the PS2 version Monster Hunter 1 and after playing all the other monster hunter this has to be the best in the series. This game has a really fun and addictive game play, it does take about 24hrs to actually get into the game and know what your doing. Its not the easiest game to get used to but there are a lot of tutorials and things to read to help you learn the game. The amount of weapons and armours that can be created is astonishing it keeps you going all the time for example when I'm usually heading to my bed I would be saying to myself this is the last wvyern but just forget and keep on fighting and finally notice when the sun comes up. When you get to fight your first wvyern its amazing it feels so good when you and your 3 mates and hacking down a giant dragon this game is made primarily for multiplayer the more people the more fun it seems to be and around the G (hard) quests you will start to need at least 1 extra person with you because some of the dragons are huge and the health on them would outlast the time. In general when playing this game you have to give it time its not fun if you rush into it and start fighting dragons because its just no fun and you will die most of the time which is what I believe happened with the gamespot review they just generally didn't give it time and rushed into it and couldn't play it. I will admit it does have its downs such as the amount of your life this game will suck in, some problems with glitchs like a tail going into a wall when cut off or a dragon dieing between two areas so when you try to carve you keep going from area to area this can be avoided though by just not attacking the monster between the two areas other than this I haven't really noticed or seen many bugs if there was it hasn't annoyied me enough for me to notice.