This is a jurassic park meets god of war action game with great graphics but offers limited entertainment.
the GRAPHICS: Probably the best feature of this game. The graphics are great, everthing from the blood, gore, and monsters ( or are they supposed to be dinosaurs ) are incredibly detailed and realistic. Oh yeah, and the unlockable movies/ trailers, are probably the best of the best. Even the tiny little mushrooms and the water is very precise. The graphics were excecuted perfectly.
the CONTROLS: The controls are pretty standard. Move with the analog stick, attack with two different of the face buttons, guard with the right shoulder button, and move the camera view with the directional pad. The controls are okay but there is like one minor problem. If you want to move and look around you at the same time, its very difficult as you have to take your right hand off the face buttons and press down on the directional pad while you move using the analog stick.
the ENTERTAINMENT/ GAMEPLAY: This is the real reason why I gave this game a almost mediocre rating. It starts off very fun and exciting, but after you reach the 2 star quests, it gets boring. Its the same old, same old, get this, kill that, steal this, find that. It makes me sick. And truthfully, the quests dont get much harder. Although the multi player is fun and very engaging, that sadly doesn't make up for the terrible entertainment.
the OVERALL: A fine game and a great party game, but unless you have a lot of friends that have and love Monster Hunter, I didn't find it to satisfy and fufill my taste.