Where Freedom means "70 - 80 meters"
Freedom is a decent minification of the PS2 beast-basher.It's rammed with weapons,beautifully animated monsters,and neat touches like farming your own health-giving food.The overriding problem with it,however,this is a game that belongs online.
On the PSP,you only get to hunt with up to 3 other people who happen to be near at a time.It's no real substitute for a proper online multiplayer.On top of this,when playing solo,there's limited fun in hundreds of little quests that aren't much more complicated than a walk to the shops (except it's "kill dragon and steal egg" rather than "buy toilet roll") and Triangle to attack?Whoever designed the game's controls could do with a substantial clonk on the head themselves.
All in all this is a great game to play with,but don't expect to much.