A magical, fantasy-filled adventure with amazing graphics and beautiful environments...IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND!!!

User Rating: 9.7 | Monster Hunter Freedom PSP
Wow...wow!..wow....That's all I can say after I began playing this game. At first, as I picked it up, I felt like a dunder-head, tossing away GTA:VCS for this low-rated rpg that looked attractive. Now I feel like laughing my a** off! This is an absolutely fantastic RPG, no matter what kind of genre you're looking for. Some amamzing eye catching elements are the graphics and the environment. You wouldn't be mad if those exact graphics were played out on a XBOX 360, that's how sharp looking they are! Also, load times are quite short, so you dont get restless. There isn't a whole lot of story part for it, but in other words, it's a "Fable" type of game. You're a Monster Hunter, you get quests from a person, you do it, get paid, pimp your guy out, increase your rep, and take over the world!!!Ok..too far there...anyways, if your looking for an absolutely amazing adventure, this one is sure to fill that gap!:)