For all of you ps2 Monster Hunters out there who have a psp, this is a MUST HAVE!!!

User Rating: 9.7 | Monster Hunter Freedom PSP
"For all of you ps2 Monster Hunters out there who have a psp, this is a MUST HAVE!!!"

As i said before, this is a must have for monster hunters fans. The features added from the original version make this game so much more addicting. The training school and the kokoto farm are great additions to keep you from breaking eye contact with the already beautiful graphics.

The gameplay has improved, although people such as I were "iffy" on how the lack of a right thumbstick would affect the innovative control scheme used on the ps2 version. The TRIANGLE and CIRCLE buttons are used to attack, which i think makes the controls a lot more precise when it comes to hunting. The graphics are superb, along with the sound. When you get a new weapon or a new piece of armor, the detail is awesome. When it comes to sound, well, the first time you run into a monster, you will notice that they put a lot of work into making every monsters' roars and sound effects, unique.

The game has a lot of replay value depending on how you look at the game. This game did not receive a 10 from me because of this reason. The way I reacted to this game was, "if i create one file and stick with it than it will be more fun" and thats how it is now. I have one file that i have been playing with for just about 145 hours. I know it sounds disgusting, but that is how much I like it. If you look at the game in a different perspective, than you will probably have many files, each one devoted to a different set of weapons.
However you look at it though, it is a great game.

Now, the Multiplayer. The multiplayer is, yes, disappointingly, only ad-hoc, but it does not take away from some of the best moments you and your friends will have in a game. The feeling of killing a monster 5 times your size with all of your friends will make you jump up and down hugging your friends, begging them to stay and kill another one with you, and this will happen all the time. The way you can get drunk in the guild hall will also keep you entertained for a while. The amount of quests in the guild hall (online lobby) is so vast, that once you beat the elder quests, and the guild quests, your playing hours will be at least 200 hours. The difficulty is pretty tough, but in the beginning it just gets you used to the controls compared to what you will face later in the game. Hearing that I have played for over 145 hours and the quests all together getting to be about 200 hours, doesn't mean that this game is for people with a lot of time on their hands. People who are always tied up with time can play this game just as long as others too. It all depends on how much love and care you have for the game. I put the difficulty as hard because of the players' style. If you are a gunner, than it could be easier in some spots, but harder in others. The game isn't that hard, but it also depends on how good the player is. After playing this game as long as I have been, it just goes to show that this game has a lot of value, and is worth the time. Once again, this may not appeal to others as it has to me, so go by what YOU and only YOU think about the games you play.