I'm sorry but this game sucks.
User Rating: 4 | Monster Hunter Freedom PSP
i guess I will start with the good things about Monster Hunter Freedom. Well fist of all it has very good graphics. Second of all I like the vairity you can choose from. You can choose to have a shooting weapond, a long swod, or a little sword. When you choose what type of weapond you want in the beginig then you can up grade it an do other things with in. Ok now lets get to the bad parts of the game. Well first of all I hate how you attack because for mw the way you attack is too slow and you have very limmited moves. another trhing I didn't like about this game is that most of the enimes (especially bosses) take forever to kill. I just saying that most of the enimies in the game have a unreasonable amount of health. also another thing i didnt like about Moster Hunter Freedom is that in the first couple of missions I had no idea of what to do.