Yum...a delicious well done steak!:)
The graphics are some of the cleanest and best looking for the psp. There are also of background detail to be seen. The only problem with enhanced graphics is lots of loading times. Expect to see at least 6-8 loading screens just to get to you're destination, then 6-8 back. However...you will be having so much fun that you will completely forget about them. The music in the game sounds pretty good...but you won't really pay much attention. Monster noises sound great, weather its a monsterous roar or a blood-curdleing scream. The thing that really makes this game fun though is just killing tons and tons of these monsters. All weapon noises sound exactly the way you would want them to sound. This game will definataly keep you occupied with its 100+ hours of gameplay. There are almost no framerate issues in this game. Everything runs very smoothly. However, this game can become very frustrating when 7 or more smaller monster gang up on you when you are trying to kill the kut ku. All in all, this game is very fun to play. It is sure to keep you occupied for more than a month. How ever this game does have it's short comings. On the other hand the game is great to look at and a blast to play. You might think this game would become repetitive. There are enough monster fights to keep you satasfied without becoming tedious. One of the only problems with this game is the camera. If it is turned in the wrong direction you wont be able to aim you're attacks very well. This is still only a minor problem. Overall, I would recommend it to anyone who wants fast paced monster killing action, or a good rpg. This is a must buy for the psp.
P.S. I am sorry for writing such a bad review previously. I had only had the game for 10 minutes and got very frusterated with it and tarded it in in a day. That was 3 months ago...so I based my review on 10 minutes of gameplay when the game came out. I took a risk and re-bought the game and enjoying it very much. i highly reccomend it.