A very hard game that takes time but if you give it a chance it will be very fun!

User Rating: 10 | Monster Hunter Tri WII
gameplay- 9.5/10- the game mostly focus on the gameplay and easy yet fun amour creation.

story-8.0/10- theirs no story to monster hunter its just you are hired by a fishing village to kill a large monster called a lacigus and you need to train by doing quests to kill it. BUT dont let that annoy you the game is still great and addivting though the story is optinal in the offline.

offline-9.0/10-the game has a very well done offline base that you will need to star at to get your self strong enogh to play the to play the online. the offline is enjoyable but very hard.

offline coop multiply-8.5/10- this was completely optional but it is very fun.You and a friend go to a arena and kill a large monster with a pre made charctor

online-10/10- this was what the game was created for you go online and join up with any one in the usa and kill a large monster. their are a lot of other stuff you can do like fight off large ONLINE ONLY monsters buy and make ONLINE ONLY items ( wepons,amour,furnhisings,etc). The online works like this you go into a city called loc lac it is ten times bigger than the fishing village(offline) and you join a smaller portion in town which can hold up to 4 people each. you can choche a quest and than have 3 more other people join the quest and help you beat it. I will admit it is kinda confusing at first but you will understand.

Final comments- thank you for reading this review their is a lot to monster hunter so i reccomd in my FULLEST opinin to buy this game. I hope I meet you online.