I remember debating for almost hours on whether to give this game a try . . . but now I'm very glad to have made the decision to buy it. Monster Hunter isn't at all for every gamer, that I am certain of, but if the concept interests you, don't hesitate to give it a go. GAMEPLAY: Your character will start out almost completely useless so I recommend you start out in the single player. In the first few missions of the single player you'll basically learn how to play the game, by participating in ridiculously easy missions like gathering mushrooms or by hunting monsters that don't necessarily defend themselves. The single player game progresses by your Quest Level, indicated by one to five stars: One: being easy, Two: being difficult, Three: being very, very difficult, and I haven't really made it to the other two levels. This is where the first real problem comes in: Once you get to about the late second level or early third level, the game practically screams for you take it online, either rendering the single player mode useless, or the whole game useless if you don't have the ability to go online. The single player mode is too short or too insanely difficult. But I guess Capcom only intended for the single player mode to serve as more of a tutorial for the online mode, which is where the real fun is at. Let me also talk about the controls in the game. You'll use the left analog stick to move your character and the right analog stick to use your weapon. This works okay, but doesn't leave a necesarily easy way to work the camera. Sure, you can use the directional buttons to adjust it, but in the heat of a battle with a big monster, you'll kind of need a third thumb while your other two are on the analog sticks, which isn't always very convienient. On the other hand, most of the other controls work well except for the fact that you can't use an item while your weapon is drawn. While this is somewhat realistic, it becomes a pain in a battle. Also, when you finally get an opportunity to heal your character, he/she will always do a little pose. This is an unfortunate problem when your character is attacked while he/she is 'posing', thus, making your healing useless. The controls didn't actually bother me as much as they did to others but I'm trying to keep everyone in mind. Okay, back to the online mode! This is what makes the game so great. You and up to three others will set out on various quests after getting the right equipment you need from the online village. You'll complete quests to raise your hunter rank, find items to make better weapons/armor, earn cash to buy more equipment, get better so you can tackle more difficult quests, and let me say that the satisfaction feels so great after slaying a huge monster and you might just even feel proud of yourself. GRAPHICS: The first time you set out on a quest you will at some time or another take at least a minute or two to look at your surroundings, which look GREAT, and truly mood gives you the feeling that you are that character. The monsters look just as great and they actually look menecing. (some of the larger ones that is) Not to mention the great opening cinema . . . SOUND: First off, the music is great and instantly sets the mood with what ever you're doing. And some of the sound effects for the monsters are good too, like the roar of some of the larger monsters which works even better when you can hear one breathing down behind as your running for your life. VALUE: This game has great value because the online play is very addicting and will keep you playing for weeks. Making it very much worth it to buy. BOTTOM LINE: If you can get over some of the minor clunky control/camera issues, you have access to play online, and the concept at least slightly interests you, then don't hesitate to purchase Monster Hunter.
After two years of playing Monster Hunter, what do I have to say about it now? By now, I’ve pretty much experienced every single sliver of the original Monster Hunter US version, first released in August 2004 for the Pla... Read Full Review
It is very hard to write a review about the beast that is Monster Hunter. First of all, the game is so very different online and offline that it almost warrants two reviews, despite sharing the same basic game mechanics.... Read Full Review